Kumo API

This is advanced real-time information API for geo-spatial, weather and information gathering data

Please note that we closely watch for suspicious activity on the /kumo/geoip endpoint! Any abuse will result in account suspension without notice.

Weather endpoints are deprecated and no longer supported.

Search for locations and get maps

GET https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/gis

You can get coordinates and more information about the searched location, if needed image of the area is generated.

Query Parameters


    "error": false,
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "address": "Ljubljanski grad, Grajska planota, Krakovo, Trnovo, Ljubljana, Upravna Enota Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, 1104, Slovenija",
        "lat": 46.0487841,
        "lon": 14.508550980754,
        "bounding_box": [
        "type": [
        "map": "https://cdn-proxy.ksoft.si/c/gis/https!d!p!pmaps!bgoogleapis!bcom!pmaps!papi!pstaticmap!qformat!epng!amaptype!eroadmap!asize!e1200x900!azoom!e12!acenter!e46!b0487841!k2C14!b508550980754!akey!eAIzaSyAbPsxpzvPlhpxLybzlO2VGghdDzcZ0owg!asignature!ek50BukFk0-3QH4obR69hx2YprHk!e"

Weather - easy

GET https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/weather/{report_type}

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


    "error": false,
    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "time": "2018-09-24T15:15:49",
        "summary": "Clear",
        "icon": "clear-day",
        "precipIntensity": 0,
        "precipProbability": 0,
        "temperature": 15.88,
        "apparentTemperature": 15.88,
        "dewPoint": 6.43,
        "humidity": 0.53,
        "pressure": 1026.44,
        "windSpeed": 4.45,
        "windGust": 7.72,
        "windBearing": 145,
        "cloudCover": 0.22,
        "uvIndex": 1,
        "visibility": 16.09,
        "ozone": 282.17,
        "sunriseTime": null,
        "sunsetTime": null,
        "icon_url": "https://cdn.ksoft.si/weather/original/clear-day.png",
        "alerts": [
                "title": "Moderate Low Temperature Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / Central",
                "regions": [
                    "Slovenia / Central"
                "severity": "watch",
                "time": 1537916400,
                "expires": 1537948740,
                "description": "Low temperatures may affect the health of sensitive members of the population.\n",
                "uri": "http://www.meteo.si/met/sl/warning/"
        "units": "si",
        "location": {
            "lat": 46.0569465,
            "lon": 14.5057515,
            "address": "Ljubljana, Slovenia"

Weather - advanced

GET https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/weather/{latitude},{longitude}/{report_type}

Gets weather by coordinates, this endpoint is faster than weather - easy, because it doesn't need to lookup the location.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


    "error": false,
    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "time": "2018-09-24T15:15:49",
        "summary": "Clear",
        "icon": "clear-day",
        "precipIntensity": 0,
        "precipProbability": 0,
        "temperature": 15.88,
        "apparentTemperature": 15.88,
        "dewPoint": 6.43,
        "humidity": 0.53,
        "pressure": 1026.44,
        "windSpeed": 4.45,
        "windGust": 7.72,
        "windBearing": 145,
        "cloudCover": 0.22,
        "uvIndex": 1,
        "visibility": 16.09,
        "ozone": 282.17,
        "sunriseTime": null,
        "sunsetTime": null,
        "icon_url": "https://cdn.ksoft.si/weather/original/clear-day.png",
        "alerts": [
                "title": "Moderate Low Temperature Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / Central",
                "regions": [
                    "Slovenia / Central"
                "severity": "watch",
                "time": 1537916400,
                "expires": 1537948740,
                "description": "Low temperatures may affect the health of sensitive members of the population.\n",
                "uri": "http://www.meteo.si/met/sl/warning/"
        "units": "si",
        "location": {
            "lat": 46.0569465,
            "lon": 14.5057515


GET https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/geoip

Gets location data from the IP address.

Query Parameters


    "error": false,
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "city": "Research",
        "continent_code": "OC",
        "continent_name": "Oceania",
        "country_code": "AU",
        "country_name": "Australia",
        "dma_code": null,
        "latitude": -37.7,
        "longitude": 145.1833,
        "postal_code": "3095",
        "region": "VIC",
        "time_zone": "Australia/Melbourne",
        "apis": {
            "weather": "https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/weather/-37.7,145.1833/currently",
            "gis": "https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/gis?q=-37.7,145.1833&fast=yes",
            "openstreetmap": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/-37.7/145.1833",
            "googlemaps": "https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.7,145.1833,15z"

Currency conversion

GET https://api.ksoft.si/kumo/currency

Query Parameters


    "value": 88.6129,
    "pretty": "88.61 EUR"

Last updated